Voice Snap is here with yet another breakthrough innovative idea – An app exclusively dedicated for inviting guests to Weddings – Vivaha Voice! As the name itself denotes, this app is a state-of-the-art voice-based application that sends across a personalized wedding invitation in your voice to each and every guest of yours! And make the occasion a memorable one!!!
When it comes to sending wedding invites, we all know how daunting the process can be. Most often, in the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations, we end up forgetting to invite the most dearest of our friends or relatives and regret later! But, not anymore!
Vivaha Voice is your one-stop wedding invitation partner that completely transforms the traditional and tiresome wedding invitation tasks by ushering in the precision of technology in it. In short, Vivaha Voice is the magic potion that makes wedding invitations just a cakewalk for you!